Saturday, June 16, 2007

Frigate Birds

Just a short note here. Have you ever heard of Frigate birds? Well, they are high flying, quite large sea birds. The populations of them are increasing now, but were dwindling a few decades ago.
Luckily, we see them often now, over land as well as at sea. While able to soar for long distances without much apparent effort, they do roost in large groups at remote locations. Well, one of the locations was apparently N.E. Cay, on the eastern edge of Guanaja's barrier reef.

I awoke around midnight to sounds of something on deck. The sound was Frigate poop and fish droppings hitting the deck! They liked the top of my masts and were haveing a little party.

Tried to scare off the 6 or so big guys atop the masts, but one was persistent. Banged the rigging and masts, hit him with the 1,000,000 candle power spotlight; even turned on the strobe light inches from his head! He won. After 15 minutes and raised blood pressure, I said sleep was more important to me as it was evident the decks would still have to be washed.

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