Monday, June 13, 2011


Along "The Way", life gives you the opportunity to meet interesting people.  When lucky, the best of the best become 'Friends'.  In 2003, we met a couple Annie and Jurgen Hummel, who had bought the same model boat as ours, from another friend, Wilson Baysinger.

                                                                  " ENCORE  "
Yesterday, after 8 years, we got to share company again.  They called from out of the blue, said they were in Florida (their boat is located on the Caribbean Islands of St. Martin and they spend time in Europe as well).
Well, we instantly asked them to join us at our condo in St. Pete Beach if they wished and hours later we were sharing stories, a couple of sundowners and dinner at our place!  How nice and how unexpected!

In 2003, we shared the mooring field for cruising boats, in the Las Olas area of Ft. Lauderdale.  Annie and Jurgen were enjoying sharing the experience with their children Fabian and Mia.

 Sorry for the Boat US Towboat, but this is the best shot I have of Encore in the backround taken July 4th.

We were there for the 4th of July celebrations and ended up staying for a few weeks, enjoying the city life aboard our boat. 
This photo of the anchorage shows both our boats, "Encore" in front, with maroon colored shear stripe and sail covers and us, "Memory Rose" behind them in all white.  A great shot taken from the Las Olas Bridge.

Annie and Jurgen are now heading back to Encore in St. Martin but it was sure nice to have a visit with them.

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